New Beginnings founders and Senior Pastor is Keith Nettles and his wife Dede. Keith and Dede met while he was in the Air Force stationed in the Azores Portugal. They fell deeply in love and were married in Sept of 1997.


They have three children Alex, Andrew and Aiden. In 1998 they moved to the Bay Area so that Keith could start working as a customer engineer for a backup power generation company. February 2008, God spoke to Keith for the first time with a loud internal voice saying to him, “you need to start going to church, you need to start tithing, you need to change your life.” Those God given words started Keith and Dede on a journey that would lead them to New Beginnings Church.

Keith grew up in the northwest. Shortly after high school he joined the Air Force and proudly served our country for eight years. Soon after God spoke to Keith, he was inspired to become a pastor. Sept 11, 2011 Keith graduated from Rhema Bible College correspondence courses. He then served as an Associate Pastor until he was called to pastor a church. Keith states that God has changed his life, and the lives of his family. He has been healed of allergies, severe dyslexia, and with the help of the Holy Spirit has broken the hold that the devil had on him and his family. Keith’s passion is to teach others how to become free of the devil and take hold of what God has in store for you.


Keith’s anchor verses: Proverbs 10:22 The blessing of the Lord makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.  Luke 8:38 “Daughter,” he said to her, “your faith has made you well. Go in peace.”

Dede was born and raised on the island of Terceira which is part of the Azores, Portugal. She grew up Roman Catholic thanks to her grandmother Leonilda Jesus Pereira. Leonilda was the one that inspired and guided Dede with her faith. A lot of the beliefs Dede has today are tied back to Leonilda. Dede is the leader of our Praise and Worship Team and the New Beginnings Kidz Zone. Her passion is to show others who God is and what He is about. Dede is honored and blessed to know God and very thankful for what He has given her.


Dede’s anchor verses: 2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


For more information, contact New Beginnings Church at

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